Prove genuine presence
Detect deepfakes and prevent impersonation fraud with liveness tests to run alongside FaceMatch facial recognition.
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Detect genuine presence with liveness detection
Liveness testing is another important security step for remote identity proofing with documents. Running alongside facial recognition, liveness or ‘presentation attack detection’ prevents attempts to spoof the system with deepfake images or silicone masks when submitting selfie images. It ensures the person submitting biometric data is real and genuinely present at the time.
Complete biometric protection
Securely authenticate facial recognition with liveness testing for genuine customer presence.
Enhance identity security
Liveness testing and detection deliver extra identity fraud protection for lower risk tolerance.
Secure customer onboarding
Quickly secure identity proofing with passive liveness checks for faster customer onboarding.
Existing customers, get in touch with our Customer Support team.
Liveness detection can be ‘active’, which requires the applicant to do something such as smiling or blinking to prove that they are alive, or ‘passive’, which doesn’t require any additional action.