
Onboard good customers in seconds, not days with FaceMatch facial recognition software.

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Biometric protection against identity fraud

It’s not enough to know an identity document is real; you need to be confident that the person presenting the document online is the real owner. In this essential step to identity proofing, our FaceMatch algorithms compare the photo ID to a live capture of the unique facial biometrics of the person claiming that identity.

FaceMatch customers fast

Deliver document-to-selfie checks for a great and safe customer onboarding experience in seconds.

Prevent identity fraud

Get definitive customer identity proofing results with biometric protection against identity fraud.

Confirm genuine presence

Add an extra layer of security with liveness detection to test for genuine presence at onboarding.


Fast biometric authentication

FaceMatch technology provides fast authentication of unique facial biometrics by securely comparing a prospect’s photo ID to live capture of a selfie image using a smartphone, tablet or webcam. 


Unique faceprint analysis

Optimised for selfie comparisons, FaceMatch algorithms extract a total of 68 facial landmarks, creating a unique faceprint for machine analysis and comparison against the photo ID scan, protecting against identity fraud. 

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Confirm genuine presence

FaceMatch is supported by liveness or ‘presentation attack’ detection, an important security measure for remote identity proofing, ensuring that the person submitting biometric data is real and genuinely present at the time the data is detected and captured.

Learn about liveness testing

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