Loqate Storefinder

Loqate Storefinder enables companies to integrate all or some of the following Loqate Storefinder APIs into their customer facing sites to enhance the functionality and end customer experience.

Geocoding API – providing store location data with premise-level geocoordinates in 130 countries worldwide, including point-level (rooftop) geocoding in 60 countries and city centre positions for over 245 countries.

Distances API – a distance finder endpoint that globally calculates road-based distances, including cross-border, providing travel times and up to 1000 locations per request.

Mapping API – use of Loqate’s own mapping tile server to visually represent the results of a store search, allowing users to zoom in on store locations selected from a list, and options to customise the pins displayed.

Customer Use Cases

A Customer Use Case describes what you are using GBG’s Service for. In order for GBG to meet its controller obligations under Applicable Data Protection Law, GBG needs to understand your use of its services so that the data presented to you, aligns to your use.

If your use of the service is not reflected in the list below, please visit our customer support page or discuss this with your Customer Success Manager.

GBG Storefinder

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Data Quality

You have a need to ensure the data you capture is accurate, enabling you to onboard and interact with your customer effectively, reducing failed deliveries and improving your customer’s journey.

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