Legal Notices

Loqate Capture

Copyright Notices

101576 Global USA The Supplier Data in this Dataset contains data subject to copyright and licensed from: United States Postal Service
200333 Canada Address Data The Supplier Data in this Dataset contains data subject to copyright and licensed from: Canada Post Corporation
200395 France Address Data S23 The Supplier Data in this Dataset contains data subject to copyright and sourced from: BANO. Data sourced from BANO is subject to the ODbL (Open Database License).
200396 USA Address inc PO Box & Military Address Data S39 The Supplier Data in this Dataset contains data subject to copyright and licensed from: United States Postal Service
200949 New Zealand Address The Supplier Data in this Dataset contains data subject to copyright and licensed from: New Zealand Post Limited and Land Information New Zealand (LINZ). Data sourced from LINZ is subject to Creative Commons licence terms available at (the “CC Terms”) and may be used in accordance with the CC Terms.
200983 Mexico Address Data S41 The Supplier Data in this Dataset contains data subject to copyright and licensed from: INEGI
201141 GeoPlus The Supplier Data in this Dataset contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government License v3.0 and OS data © Crown Copyright and Crown database rights.
201251 Denmark Address Data S45 The Supplier Data in this Dataset contains data subject to copyright and licenced from the Danish Authority for Data Supply and Efficiency
201391 Global Address Data S28 The End User acknowledges and accepts that the Supplier Data contained in this Dataset is subject to certain regulatory and third-party supplier restrictions and obligations (including copyright notices) which are currently available via the Supplier’s website at
201402 French Postbox data - Premium The Supplier Data contained in this Dataset constitutes an original work of La Poste who retains ownership in its capacity of author pursuant to article L111-1 of the French Intellectual Property Code. Consequently, any infringement of the rights of La Poste as set out above represents an offence of counterfeiting sanctioned by article L335-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code.
201492 Hong Kong Address Data S56 The Supplier Data in this Dataset contains data, the intellectual property rights in which are owned by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
201643 Hong Kong Address Data S58 The Supplier Data in this Dataset contains data, the intellectual property rights in which are owned by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
201743 Australia Geo S59 The End User acknowledges and accepts the Supplier Data contained in this Dataset is subject to some open source licences. The End User must comply with those open source licences mentioned here (as amended from time to time).
201758 New Zealand Geo S60 By using the Dataset, the End User accepts and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License available here:
201786 Mexico Postcodes S61 The Supplier Data in this Dataset contains data subject to copyright and licensed from the Government of Mexico (Gobierno de México)

Privacy Transparency Information

ID (Dataset) Dataset Who Hosts the Supplier Data? Is Supplier Data Personal Data? Personal Data Transferred to Supplier? Supplier Processes End User Data?
100123 Eircode- ECAD Per-Look-up GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
100124 Eircode- ECAD Per-User GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
100125 Eircode- ECAF Single User (Users 1-83) GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
100126 Eircode- ECAF Per-Look-up (100 Transactions) GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
100127 Eircode- ECAF Web License GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
100129 Eircode- ECAF - Group/ Legal Entity GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
100130 Eircode- ECAD (Organisation Use) GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
101576 Global USA GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
200395 France Address Data S23 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
200396 USA Address inc PO Box & Military Address Data S39 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
200488 Denmark Address Data S27 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
200531 Japan Address data S29 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
200947 Global Address (U) GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
200951 Australia Address Data GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
200982 Brazil Address Data S40 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
200983 Mexico Address Data S41 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
201141 GeoPlus GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
201201 Germany Parcel locker Address Data GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
201251 Denmark Address Data S45 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
201370 & 201635-201637 Germany Address Data S43 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
201371 Netherlands Address Data S43 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
201372 Austria Address Data S43 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
201373 Spain Address Data S43 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
201374 Republic of Korea Address data S50 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
201375 India Address Data S31 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
201376 United States of America Address Data S49 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
201377 Global Address Address data S48 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
201378 Global Address Address data S47 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
201379 Belgium Address Data S52 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
201382 Norway Address Data S21 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
201383 Finland Address Data S53 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
201384 Sweden Address Data S35 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
201385 Switzerland Address Data S38 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
201390 Italy Address Data S54 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
201391 Global Address Data S28 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
201395 Indonesia Address Data S29 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
201402 French Postbox data - Premium GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
201445 Spain Address Data S55 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
201492 Hong Kong Address Data S56 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
200598 Singapore Address Data S37 GBG Yes No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
201643 Hong Kong Address Data S58 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
201743 Australia Geo S59 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
201758 New Zealand Geo S60 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
201786 Mexico Postcodes S61 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
201820 Macau Address Data S56 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
201821 Thailand Address Data S63 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
201846 Brazil Address Data S64 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset
201852 Türkiye Address Data S65 GBG No No GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset