• GBG hosts the Supplier Data.
• No personal data is transferred to the Supplier.

The Supplier Data used to provide Addressbase – Online Viewing is supplied by GBG’s Supplier, Ordnance Survey. GBG is obliged under the terms of its agreement with its Supplier to ensure that all End Users agree to comply with the following provisions:

1.1. In these Additional Terms the following definitions shall apply, in addition to the definitions set out in the General Terms and Product Terms:
“Address Record” means an individual UPRN together with all attribution associated with that UPRN within the Dataset.
“Cached Data” means data which is downloaded and stored by Caching.
“Caching” means the automatic, immediate download and temporary storage of the Data as an integral and essential part of a technological process.
“Cleansed” shall have the meaning given to the term ‘Cleansed’ in the Royal Mail PAF Solutions Provider Licence available here:
“Customer Created Analytics Data” means either: a) the Data created by the End User using the Supplier Data to provide analysis or an answer in response to a query; or b) the Data created by the End User using the Supplier Data which is capable of being linked, where applicable, to a Feature or Feature Attribution within the Supplier Data, provided that the Data created by the End User under either a) or b) above: i) does not copy the Supplier Data (including, with regards to topographic Datasets: A) a Feature in whole; and /or B) a Feature Attribution in whole or in part); and ii) can be used independently of the Supplier Data. Customer Created Analytics Data may not be created using Addressbase – Islands. Examples of Customer Created Analytics Data can be found on the Website.
“End User Data” means any data provided to GBG by the End User for processing in accordance with the terms of the Agreement including where relevant any personal data
“Feature” means any feature represented in a topographic Dataset, including without limitation any line, polygon, symbol or text.
“Feature Attribution” means the characteristics associated with a Feature (subject to the specification of the relevant topographic Dataset).
“Map View” means where the End User, using the Online Solution: a) views the Supplier Data; b) generates Customer Created Analytics Data using a View of the Supplier Data; and/or c) Views Customer Created Analytics Data either on its own or overlaid on the Supplier Data or any other Data provided that such other Data is: i) not specific to an individual End User; and ii) is made available by GBG to all End Users as part of the Online Solution.
“Online Solution” means a product and/or service that a) is hosted by GBG (or its supplier) through which the End User is able to access the Supplier Data remotely; and b) permits the storage of coordinates, Cached Data and/or Customer Created Analytics Data (but no other Supplier Data) on any device.
“Permitted Purpose” means the purposes outlined by the Supplier for which the Dataset may be used as set out in clauses 2.3 to 2.7 below and clause 6 as applicable to the End User in addition to the Customer Use Case set out in the Agreement and clause 2.1 below.
“Session” means a period of time commencing when the End User accesses the Supplier Data through the Online Solution, and expiring as soon as one of the following occurs: a) the End User navigates away from or ceases to be connected to the Online Solution; or b) 24 hours have passed since commencement.
“Transaction” shall have the meaning given to the term ‘Transaction’ in the Royal Mail PAF Solutions Provider Licence available here:
“UPRN” means a Unique Property Reference Number, a unique identifier for every addressable location in Great Britain.
“View” means the act of viewing a Map View and Viewed and Viewing are to be construed accordingly.
“Website” means

2.1. This Dataset may only be used for the Customer Use Cases detailed below, provided that such Customer Use Case is selected on the End User's Order Form and the End User complies with any use case restriction set out in the Agreement:
• Data Quality
2.2. In addition to the Customer Use Case restrictions contained within clause 2.1 (including any conditions that apply to that Customer Use Case) the following terms set out in clauses 2.3-2.7 also apply.
2.3. This Dataset is supplied to the End User as an Online Solution for the purpose of enabling Viewing by the End User and the End User is granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable licence to use the Supplier Data in the Online Solution for the duration of the Session or as part of a Transaction (other than any Transactions made available on a perpetual basis for the purposes of returning Cleansed Data in relation to a specific address in response to a query from the End User and only in respect of the Address Record associated with such Cleansed Data that may be extracted and used by the End User for the Permitted Purpose).
2.4. The End User shall not store any Cached Data for more than 24 hours after the end of any Session or Transaction (other than any Transactions made available on a perpetual basis for the purposes of returning Cleansed Data in relation to a specific address in response to a query from the End User and only in respect of the Address Record associated with such Cleansed Data that may be extracted and used by the End User for the Permitted Purpose).
2.5. The End User shall not print, download, store or extract the Supplier Data other than where expressly permitted in these Additional Terms.
2.6. The End User is entitled to create Customer Created Analytics Data and to hold such Data on a perpetual basis, but only for the purposes of the Permitted Purpose.
2.7. Where the Online Solution includes AddressBase – Islands for the purposes of either: a) returning Cleansed data in relation to a specific address in response to a query from the End User in respect of such specific address; or b) returning the location of a specific address in response to a query from the End User in respect of such specific address and such query does not involve the input of an address in whole or in part, the Online Solution is only available on a View only basis.
2.8. The End User warrants that it will not use the Dataset for any reason outside of the Customer Use Case and Permitted Purpose.

3.1. The Supplier shall have no liability to the End User in respect of the Supplier Data, the Customer created Analytics Data, or these Additional Terms.

4.1. GBG does not transfer End User Data to the Supplier to provide this Dataset.

5.1. The Dataset contains Intellectual Property Rights owned, in part, by Royal Mail. Accordingly, the Dataset is subject to the additional specific terms set out in the Royal Mail PAF Solutions Provider Licence:
5.2. The terms of Royal Mail PAF Solutions Provider Licence are incorporated to these Additional Terms by reference.
5.3. GBG excludes all liability with the End User in relation to such licence.
5.4. Where there is any conflict between the terms of the Royal Mail PAF Solutions Provider Licence and the terms of the Agreement (including these Additional Terms and Product Terms), the Royal Mail PAF Solutions Provider Licence shall take precedence.