CHINA NATIONAL ID & BANK CARD (item check 0361-2) | ID Number 200296 & 200353

The Supplier Data used to provide China National ID & Bank Card is provided by GBG’s Supplier. GBG is obliged under the terms of its agreement with the Supplier that all Intermediaries comply with the following licensing provisions:

“PIPL” means the Chinese Personal Information Protection Law which came into force on 1st November 2021.
1.2 The Intermediary acknowledges and accepts that prior to an End User being granted access to this Dataset, the End User must confirm and evidence to GBG and/or the Intermediary that is has obtained consent from each data subject/individual under PIPL and other Applicable Data Protection Laws for the collection, disclosure and use of the personal information about such data subject/individual.
1.3 The Intermediary shall assist GBG where necessary in completing the required due diligence form and accepts that the End User’s access to the Dataset is dependent on the Supplier being satisfied that appropriate consent has been obtained under PIPL.