9001-9012 ENHANCED DUE DILLIGENCE (EDD REPORT) | ID NUMBERS 100742, 100743, 100745-100749 & 200191-200193

The EDD Report Dataset is supplied directly to the End User by the Supplier. The Supplier Data used to provide the EDD Report is supplied by GBG’s Supplier. GBG is obliged under the terms of its agreement with its Supplier to ensure that all End Users agree to comply with the following licensing provisions. These Additional Terms apply to all EDD Report Datasets. Individual EDD Report Datasets can be identified by the ID Number listed on the End User's Order Form.

1.1. In these Additional Terms, the following definitions shall apply, in addition to the definitions set out in the General Terms and Product Terms:
“Data Template” means the template form made up of Unique Records which must be completed by the End User and provided to the Supplier in order to access the EDD Services.
“EDD End User Data” any data provided by the End User to GBG and the Supplier for processing via an EDD Request, including where relevant any personal data, in accordance with these Additional Terms and any relevant terms within the Agreement.
“EDD Report” means the report document that contains information, extrapolated from multiple publicly available sources across a variety of jurisdictions related to a company, corporation or business or to an individual’s identity, address, occupation, business and occupational background, associated individuals and entities as well as a summary of potential risk factors as at the time of reporting. The content and level of detail in each EDD Report will depend on the type of report purchased as detailed in the Order Form and the date on which the EDD Report is created.
“EDD Request” means the submission of a Data Template requesting an EDD Report.
“Permitted Purpose” means the purposes, restrictions and or conditions for use of the Dataset outlined by the Supplier in the Additional Terms below and the Customer Use Case as set out in the Agreement. 
“Unique Record” means each unique data record identified by its Unique Reference Number specified in the Data Template.
“Unique Reference Number” means the End User generated alphanumeric code allocated to each Unique Record in the Data Template.

2.1 In order to access this Dataset the End User must complete the Data Template specified by the Supplier. The End User shall be solely responsible for the completion of the Data Template.
2.2 The End User warrants that it will not use this Dataset and the EDD Report for any reason outside of the Permitted Purpose.

3.1. All EDD Reports are manually produced by the Supplier. On receipt of an EDD Request, the Supplier shall use its reasonable endeavours to create an EDD Report within a reasonable timescale. The average length of time required to create each type of EDD Report is identified in the table below. However, the End User acknowledges and accepts that this is an indication of the work required to create the EDD Report only and is not an estimation of turnaround time which will depend on a number of factors including the volume of reports requested and the capacity of the Supplier’s research staff. Accordingly, time is not of the essence in relation to the delivery of any EDD Report
EDD Report Type Work Required
Standard 3 Business Days
Executive 7 Business Days
Bespoke 10 Business Days3.2. All research carried out by the Supplier as part of the delivery of this Dataset is ‘desktop-based’ and consequently the End User acknowledges and accepts that information contained in an EDD Report may not be sufficient for its purposes. The End User further acknowledges and accepts that in some instances it may also be appropriate to conduct local investigations.
3.3. As the information and Supplier Data used by the Supplier to provide this Dataset and the EDD Report is supplied by third parties, the Supplier does not have direct control over the quality and accuracy of such information. Whilst the Supplier has used its reasonable endeavours to ensure the accuracy of the EDD Report, the End User acknowledges and accepts that the information and Supplier Data obtained by the Supplier may contain errors or omissions and that the EDD Report is provided without any warranties regarding the quality or accuracy of any information or Supplier Data contained within it.
3.4. Nothing within the EDD Report should be taken as a recommendation on the suitability of the EDD Report for any commercial transaction, and the End User accepts full responsibility for any business decisions made using this EDD Report.
3.5. All individuals and businesses having negative media and/or allegations of any criminal activity must be deemed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. GBG and the Supplier accept no responsibility to the End User or to the individual or business who are the subject of an EDD Report for any decision made as a result of the End User’s use of the EDD Report.

4.1. Notwithstanding the standard data protection provisions between GBG and the End User in the General Terms, the End User acknowledges and accepts that GBG shall act as a data processor in relation to EDD End User Data provided to the Supplier, and the processing provisions set out in the Agreement shall apply.
4.2. Relationship of the Parties. The End User is the controller of EDD End User Data. The End User appoints GBG as a processor to process the EDD End User Data for the purposes of delivering the Dataset and EDD Report to the End User.