• GBG provides this Dataset through the Service
• By utilising this Service, the End User is contributing to GBG’s Data Network.

These Additional Terms apply to 0411 GBG Trust Core and 0411 GBG Trust Core - Licence Datasets. Individual 0411 GBG Trust Core and 0411 GBG Trust Core - Licence Datasets can be identified by the ID number listed on the End User’s Order Form.

In these Additional Terms, the following definitions shall apply, in addition to the definitions set out in the General Terms and Product Terms:
“Data Network” means separate and individual data pools that consist of information (including Personal Data) that GBG receives from its End Users.
“End User Data” means any data provided to GBG by the End User for processing in accordance with the terms of the Agreement including where relevant any personal data.
“Insights” means data that is created by GBG as part of the provision of the Service, from the collection, storage and analysis of information about the End User’s use of the Service (including the End User Data ), and the outcome/result generated as a result of transactions undertaken by the End User.
“Third Party” for the purpose of these Additional Terms means any organisation who is not GBG or a GBG Group Company.

The Parties agree that:
2.1 Where applicable and included on the Order Form, GBG will, subject to clause 2.3 below collect End User Data into a Data Network, where it will combine and match data to generate Insights about specific data attributes, individuals or a location. The End User acknowledges and agrees that GBG may share personal data from one GBG Entity to another for the purposes of utilising it in the Data Network. Such Insights may be available to End Users as an address, risk score, fraud or identity alert via GBG’s products and services.
2.2 The Data Network may utilise profiling as defined under Applicable Data Protection Law.
2.3 GBG confirms that information held in the Data Network:
(a) will not be used for marketing purposes by GBG or GBG Customers.
(b) will not be shared, in bulk or otherwise, with Third Parties. For the avoidance of doubt, GBG do not grant our customers or any Third Parties direct access to the data held in our Data Network.
(c) will always utilise data from multiple sources to ensure that no data variables from an individual customer record within the End User Data is used in isolation.
(d) may be used by organisations, only for tracing of individuals, verification and/or validation of the identity of individuals or an address.
(e) may be used for testing and evaluation purposes by GBG only to improve and maintain GBG solutions.
(f) may be used for product improvement and commercial use, as permitted under Applicable Data Protection Law.
(g) will be created and processed in accordance with GBG’s Products and Services Privacy Policy available at: https://www.gbgplc.com/en/legal-and-regulatory/products-services-privacy-policy/ and all Applicable Data Protection Laws.

2.4 Both Parties acknowledge that this Dataset does not contain personal data pertaining to the United States of America or any of its territories.  

3.1. The End User confirms that it has complied with all Applicable Data Protection Laws and Local Laws in respect of End User Data and as far as it is aware there is no reason why GBG could not use the End User Data for the purposes referenced at clauses 2.1-2.3 above.
3.2 The End User warrants it will not use this score in isolation and it will not be used solely for automated decision making. The End User will take a balanced view using all resources available to them (which may include proprietary information to the End User or that provided by other third parties), when making an informed decision about an individual.

4.1 All Intellectual Property Rights in and to any Insights created by GBG belong and shall continue to belong to GBG. Consequently, GBG may use or commercially exploit the Insights in accordance with these Additional Terms