The Supplier Data used to provide the New Zealand DIA Birth, DIA Citizen and DIA Passport Dataset is provided by GBG’s Supplier. GBG is obliged under the terms of its agreement with its Supplier to ensure that all End Users agree to comply with the following licensing provisions. These Additional Terms apply to all New Zealand DIA Birth, DIA Citizen and DIA Passport Dataset. Individual New Zealand DIA Birth, DIA Citizen and DIA Passport Datasets are identified on the End User’s Order Form or Agreement.

1.1. In these Additional Terms, the following definitions shall apply, in addition to the definitions set out in the General Terms and Product Terms:
“Agency Agreement” means the due diligence forms and agreement that must be completed by the End User, returned to and verified by the Supplier, in order for the End User to access this Dataset.
“Department of Internal Affairs (“DIA”)" means that governmental department of New Zealand.
“End User Data” means any data provided to GBG by the End User for processing in accordance with the terms of the Agreement including where relevant any personal data.
“Permitted Purpose” means the purposes, restrictions and or conditions for use of the Dataset outlined by the Supplier in the Additional Terms below in addition to the Customer Use Case set out in the Agreement. 

2.1 The End User must not provide the Supplier Data or Results to any other third party.
2.2 The End User is responsible for the accuracy of the input of the End User Data for this Dataset.
2.3 The End User will ensure that each search conducted in relation to this Dataset relates to the name of a specific individual with whom the End User has an existing or prospective business relationship, and the individual is made aware and agreed (whether implied or not) that an identity verification check will be conducted with third party organisations.
2.4 To access this Dataset, the End User must be registered with RBNZ and are an Australian or New Zealand registered business entity.
2.5 The End User must complete a DIA application form and sign the DIA Agency Agreement.
2.6 If the End User decides to undertake checks on an individual/data subject on an ongoing basis, and an individual/data subject has given consent to the End User to do so, the End User must treat that consent as having expired if:
2.6.1 The data subject/individual ceases to be a customer of the End User; or
2.6.2 12 months has elapsed since the date on which consent was given.
2.7 The End User warrants that it will not use the Dataset for any reason outside of the Permitted Purpose.

3.1 Notwithstanding the termination provisions between GBG and the End User in the General Terms, under the terms of GBG’s agreement with its Supplier, the supply of this Dataset can be terminated upon GBG providing the End User with 90 days’ notice.