The pressure is on. As the pensions industry returns to a new sense of normal there is renewed energy for the adoption of digital processes.
With the government-led ‘pensions dashboard’ project fast approaching along with the potential for open finance to transform the way consumers interact with their pension providers, members are becoming more comfortable with a fully digital-first experience.
Pension funds must stay up to date to avoid being left behind – especially with the rise of industry disruptors who are leading with a digital-first approach.
Key topics include:
Efficiently locate and contact members through the UK’s most comprehensive data network and drive streamlined verification through real time digital data, document and biometric verification.
Monitor your member base proactively with alerts such as Pre-Mover, and Mortality data to allow appropriate engagement and reduce the risk of fraud and overpayment by as much as 50%.
Quickly and with confidence - research, investigate, understand and if needs be engage with members. Identify potentially fraudulent activity and/or reinstate pension entitlements.
Watch the on-demand webinar where we discuss how you can proactively engage members in a digital world, improve data accuracy, increase operational efficiencies and stop pension fraud at the door.