The Global Fraud Report 2024

Burnt out and bombarded

Exposing the harsh realities of fraud impact on businesses and their teams.

Fraud can seem like an unstoppable machine

As fraud reaches more organised and widespread levels, breaking out across businesses, sectors and breaching national boundaries, the consequences can be very human. 70% of APAC respondents said fraud attempts at their organisation increased compared to last year.

Carol Chris

General Manager, APAC, GBG

We surveyed fraud professionals around the world

We surveyed a cross-sectoral sample of over 1,200 senior fraud prevention, risk and compliance professionals from across the USA, Europe and Asia Pacific regions.

The Global Fraud Report 2024 delivers a universal view of current fraud trends impacting business across sectors with unique insights into local nuances around the world.


are worried about the trend towards more organised and widespread fraud

have seen a significant increase in sophisticated by fraudsters in the last 12 months

think cross-sector identity intelligence sharing and collaboration can be a strategic differentiator in beating fraud

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What’s keeping fraud professionals up at night and finding solutions to common problems.