White Paper

Biometrics and Digital ID Verification

Online service providers have realised that sophisticated ID verification systems such as biometrics have to play a crucial role in their digital transformation goals according to research commissioned by GBG and conducted by IDC.

This is in response to Australian consumers' growing preference for biometric verification to protect themselves from the rising threat of identity theft. 

Read our whitepaper to learn how biometric technology can help alleviate identity verification concerns for Australian businesses and end users while facilitating growing digitalisation.

IDC White Paper

Key Findings

42% of Australians believe they are most exposed to identity theft.

3 in 4 Australians prefer using facial biometrics for verification of identity.

73% of consumers would be willing to do liveness checks with a preference for a passive approach.

Redefining Trust and Security in a Digital World

The IDC research commissioned by GBG reveals Australian service providers are fully aware of the ID verification and fraud challenges of operating in a digital-first landscape and are already taking action to deal with them. 

Download the white paper now