On demand: Virtual Expert Panel

More security for less friction: wielding data against fraud

As financial institutions continue to digitise operations to provide more coverage and to improve customer experience, it's important for them to leverage more data sources in a digital intelligence platform to strike the balance between maximum security and a speedy, seamless service. Those who were able to drive transformation and adapt the right technology in their operations are regarded as those who stayed ahead of their game.

Global digital specialist GBG, in partnership with Asian Banking & Finance, discuss how banks can leverage technology in addressing major pain points and ensuring maximum security whilst providing the best services to clients.

We discuss how to enable banks become a cornerstone of the digital future: seamless, secure, and flexible.

  • The current state of digital banking in the ASIA region
  • With increasingly new digital banking/platforms, what are the challenges in fighting financial crime?
  • How to strike the balance between ensuring maximum security whilst offering fast services to customers
  • How data solves the pain points of digital banking platforms and drives transformation into a market-leading digital bank that’s always ahead of the game
  • How do banks leveraging technology innovation to eliminates times wasted while identifying the new trends/typologies.

Meet our speakers

Lucose Eralil

Head of Enterprise Technology & Operations (ETO) | Security Bank Philippines

Stephen Su

Head of Solutions | GBG, APAC

Anders Jensen-Waud

Associate Partner | Bain & Company


Tim Charlton

Publisher | Asian Banking & Finance

Watch on-demand now

We discuss how to enable banks become a cornerstone of the digital future: seamless, secure, and flexible.