EVENT 3 July 9:30–12:30 (JKT)
Pullman Jakarta Indonesia

Gallery room, Level 2
Jalan m.h. thamrin 59, Jakarta 10350

Building trust in digital channels: Indonesia banking and finance study

In an era where digital transformation shapes the landscape of banking and finance, Indonesian financial institutions have seen rises in first-party fraud activity across typologies significantly more than regional averages. Is this due to the establishment of the Whistleblower System (WBS) affecting high fraud detection scores, or does Indonesia genuinely have higher fraud than other countries? This event delves into pivotal strategies for combating fraud and building trust in digital channels in Indonesia with industry experts and regulatory bodies.

This event offers a comprehensive overview for professionals in the banking sector, aiming to navigate the complexities of digital transformation.

  • Indonesia Fraud Typologies and Trends: An exploration of the latest fraud typologies and trends, providing attendees with a deeper understanding of current and emerging threats, enabling more effective fraud detection and prevention strategies.
  • Data Intelligence Prioritization: Indonesia Financial Institutions (FIs) are keenly focusing on device and location intelligence as their top data demand to enhance decisionmaking and operational efficiency.
  • Explore the factors contributing to Indonesia's status as the highest in Asia still not on the cloud, and understand its implications for customer trust.
  • Digital Transformation Progress: An examination of where Indonesian FIs stand in their digital transformation journey highlights the ongoing shift towards more agile, digital-first strategies.
  • Gain insights into the primary concerns of Indonesian FIs regarding financial loss to consumers.
  • ML Adoption in FIs: Adaptive and explainable machine learning models are becoming essential for Indonesian FIs to enhance their risk management strategies, enabling a more sophisticated and dynamic approach to identifying and mitigating risks.

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